The Latest Brutal Attacks on Ariha, Idlib

The Latest Brutal Attacks on Ariha, Idlib

The Syrian Coalition warns against the continued disregard of the international community for its responsibilities towards protecting the Syrian people. Assad’s killing machine continues to claim thousands of civilian lives in Syrian, as Assad systematically uses chemical weapons and internationally prohibited weapons.

The Syrian Coalition underscores the need for the international community to aid the General Staff of the FSA to neutralize Air Forces and establish a no-fly zone over populated areas in Syria.

The recent massacre the Assad regime has committed is in Ariha, Idlib. Assad’s Air Forces used airstrikes against civilians deploying cluster bombs, phosphorus bombs, and explosive barrels. 18 civilians were reported killed, including innocent women and children.

Assad recently intensified the use of his Air Force in systematic reprisals against civilians in northern areas. The inaction of the Friends of Syria has put Assad in a position where he can capitalize on the help of his regional and international allies to cover up crimes and cling to power.

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