Munzer Akbik, President Jarba’s spokesman, does not rule out the withdrawal of the regime’s delegation “to evade the commitment to the terms of Geneva I which form the basis for Geneva II. Geneva I Communique calls for the formation of a transitional ruling body with full powers, not wide powers. This is why the Coalition will not accept the existence of any role for Bashar al-Assad or his cronies and all security and military institutions in Syria's future," Akbik said. He also said the “we will not allow the regime delegation to dwarf the demands of the Syrian people or limiting them to humanitarian issues, but we will hammer home these demands till the regime delegation agrees to the transfer of power.” He also added that “we cannot separate these two issues from each other as the humanitarian tragedy is closely related to Assad holding to power.” He also said that the regime delectation is reluctant to sign the terms of Geneva I because their participation in the conference came after pressure from the international community to attend the conference.” Akbik added that “I think it has become very clear to the international community that the Assad regime does not want any political solution, as was shown by the behavior of its delegation during the conference. The Assad regime is using siege of civilians as a card to pressure the Coalition delegation and to consolidate his military rule in the country." Louay Safi, spokesman for the Syrian Coalition, said that "the Geneva II negotiations II coincides with a fierce media campaign led the regime’s media outlets, which aims to shuffle the cares and change the course of negotiations, and to evade the transfer of power to a transitional ruling body.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)
Possible Withdrawal of Regime to Evade Commitments at Geneva 2