Istanbul.Turkey.-The Syrian Coalition salutes the heroes of the Free Syrian Army in Deir Ezzor, and across Syria, for their courage in defending civilians and repelling Assad forces, as they carry out the will of the triumphant Syrian people.
On Saturday, August 10th, FSA fighters in Deir Ezzor, in a special operation, liberated the strategic neighborhood of Al Hawiqa, including the mayor’s building, a municipal service building and Al Baath Party premises. These strategic locations were highly protected by Assad forces and militias, as they doubled as a base where military operations were launched.
Al Hawiqa neighborhood is an island situated on the Euphrates River where civilians have defied Assad, since the beginning of the revolution. Despite many attempts by Assad forces to take hold of the neighborhood, Al Hawiqa proved to be impossible to control.
Furthermore, FSA fighters also managed to strike Assad’s strongholds in Al Jubayla and Sinaa neighborhoods.
The Syrian Coalition reiterates that the liberation of Syria will continue to ensure that the protection of civilians remains a top priority.
FSA Advances in Deir Ezzor