Avilés.-El Ayuntmaiento de Aviles acogió este mediodía el encuentro de alcaldes y alcaldesas de localidades vinculadas a la figura de Pedro Menéndez. Participaron autoridades de San Agustin de la Florida, Santander, Laredo, Llanes, Mahón y Sta. Cruz de la Zarza
Mariví Monteserín, alcaldesa de Avilés
Tracy Upchurch, alcalde de San Agustín de La Florida
Héctor Pons, alcalde de Mahón
Enrique Riestra, alcalde de Llanes
Javier Ramírez, concejal del Ayuntamiento de Laredo
Tomás Lorenzo, alcalde de Santa Cruz de la Zarza
Gema Igual, alcaldesa de Santander
José Pastrana, conseller de Serveis Generals de Menorca
City Of StAugustine@CityStAug·20h(3/3) Happy birthday Pedro Menendez! The statute of Menendez itself, a replica of one in Avilés, was given by “the People of Avilés, Spain to the People of St. Augustine, Florida” on September 8, 1972. #CityStAugCity Of StAugustine@CityStAug·20h(2/3) Happy birthday Pedro Menendez! On 2/15/78, the area in front of city hall was named Parque de Menendez in a ceremony by the City Commission & attended by the Ambassador of Spain to the US. Pictured: Pedro Menendez reenactor and City Commissioner Roxanne Horvath #CityStAug
City Of StAugustine@CityStAug·20h(1/3)Happy birthday Pedro Menendez! Menendez was born in Avilés, Spain, on February 15, 1519. He founded @CityStAug on September 8, 1565, following a career in the Spanish Navy. His voyage to Florida in 1565 was in response to the French having founded Fort Caroline. #CityStAug